Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Is The Big Deal About A Brazilian Wax?

Speaking of the "revolution"

is the title of a Tracy Chapman song that will remind some readers of the blog (include the video below). We're talking about some "revolutions" (almost all peaceful, by the way). The weariness of the traditional political and financial machinery obvious. We're still too close to the facts, but perhaps not to recall the combination of several events with the prominence of Facebook, Twitter and blogs:

1. The financial crisis of 2008 ( Inside Job) and the sad case Strauss-Kahn (president of the largest global organization to regulate the economy)
2. Iceland citizen protests against the bankers to bankrupt the country
3. The emergence of tea parties
4. The "jasmine revolution" in Tunisia and Tahrir Square in Egypt
5. Movements in the Arab world, from Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria through
6. Organized mass mobilizations from Facebook against the FARC in Colombia
7. Demonstrations and camped in the Plaza del Sol and other English cities and Italian

What's happening? Every event is different, but there are commonalities. The power of the rebels and the disaffected , "armed" with social media is becoming greater. The financial and political class have serious problems and things will necessarily change. We still have more questions than answers, but we are investigating the movements of citizens, which is good news for civil society. If you have ideas to change the world, defend them. Politicians and financiers will not do for you.


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