Monday, June 28, 2010

Wording For White Party Invitations

is made by walking

When you grow up, when you finish the race, when you arrive, when he does lose weight, when you learn good technique, when you win X money, when I fell in love ... and when?

Most of the education we receive shapes to allow the bonus only when the end of the road. Only when we arrived, only if we succeed, only if we win, we can rejoice. What if?

Walking the way to something is what happens to us constantly, even if we do not know where we are headed. The effort, adventure, fatigue, experience, curiosity, enjoyment to go step by step along the way is something that takes time, most of the time. The arrival is only a moment. So, why confine the benefit only that moment, do not even know if it will?
Sounds good to me glad to get something we wanted. But I am of the view that the route is also important (perhaps more importantly?) That is interesting that we tread it means something, or somehow gratifies us, give us joy, serenity and joy of learning.

live in a world that worships the result, especially if immediate-and despises the tour. But I think life is more a journey than a result.

Do you enjoy the journey, step by step? Or wait anxiously achievement that will make you happy?

Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Adjust A Artic Cat Snowmobile Carburator

We're like us, not as we wish. The image we have of us do not always coincide with how we really are. This can lead to any parts or our attitudes we'd rather not see why not approach the ideal that we have or seek to be.

But what we include what we like as we are and what no. What we do with what we do not like?

If we construct an ideal image of the person you want (Or we) be and constantly ignore, dismiss or sweep under the carpet that does not fit with what we want, we are giving back to a part that belongs to us but we dislike.

all have a dark side . Wish we'd rather not have. Behaviors that we consider unworthy or contemptible attitudes. Weaknesses. Negative emotions. Facets of our personality that we anxious or angry. Probably not wish to live the dark side, or achieve change it. But ignoring it is not the road. Observe and accept it as a part of all that we can open a door to self-knowledge.

We can only live with fully from what we are, not from the ideal image of what we want to be.

How do you relate to your dark side?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Make Baby Cough Out Phlegm

The Dark Side Women do not like football

Women do not like football. Today we talk about the stereotypes, cliches, the concepts that are taken for obvious like the law of gravity. We live surrounded by them without question almost never.
But ... We have you ever wondered if for us it? Or do we have incorporated as a base to listen to again and again?
There are assumptions that are supported by good part of society, and other self-created ( I have no hand in the kitchen, I am a caring person, My favorite vacation spot is the beach, the blue color does not look good on me ... ). We go with them for life. But we can challenge them to think if we apply or not.

I propose an exercise:

think a general topic about women, the first that comes to mind. Breathe. Exhale slowly. Now ask yourself if your case is true. If you talk about you. If you represent as you are, or in some cases yes but not in others. (For example, returning to the topic title: Maybe you like the football, maybe not. Or before you're not interested and now I love it. A woman may be indifferent to him, another might hate, and third excited him.)

Now think anything they say about you in your family. What is your opinion? Is that still the case, it once was?

And finally you can do the same with a quality that you yourself think or say about you. Do you really think so? Is it one's own idea or you've always assumed it was true because someone told you? Does it apply in all cases? (For example if you think I'm a mess cooking, perhaps it is true that the dishes will come out of grief, but when it comes to dessert are the best. Or was true before but now sometimes you like and you are improving. Or really not interested in the kitchen and you are indifferent or may not be good at it).

What do you think of the exercise?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Neutralis Milia Remove

The story of the children, the elderly and the donkey

My father often told me a story he told. You the story. Maybe you already know because someone told you it has been told.
An old man and a boy walking a donkey herding. On their way they came across a man who saw them said: - What fools! Why are walking, taking a donkey? Would have ride on it. The anchor man mused as he walked away and following the advice on the donkey up the child and then rode him too.
continued walking until he ran into someone who began to shout just to see them: - inconsiderate! What harm did the donkey to be abused in this way! Can only lead to one of two ... otherwise it will be a lot of weight and the animal will be exhausted. In face of guilt and asking the old man fell disulpas donkey.
They moved the child riding on the donkey and the old man walking beside her, happy to be doing the right thing when another man, young and quiet came across them. He spoke quietly: "Old man, you've walked a lot throughout life and are no longer so strong, why not ride on the donkey? The child shows little respect for you acting this way. So I exchanged the saddle. They continued the old man on the donkey and the boy walking by his side.
Night fell when a fourth person appeared in the gloom. - This donkey looks weak, "he said - should not ride. And he walked away while the old man doubtfully, dismounted.

Whatever you do will always encotramos with people who will not agree with what you do.

Trying always satisfy everyone? Do you act on the basis the opinion of others? What do you think of the story?