Monday, June 14, 2010

Make Baby Cough Out Phlegm

The Dark Side Women do not like football

Women do not like football. Today we talk about the stereotypes, cliches, the concepts that are taken for obvious like the law of gravity. We live surrounded by them without question almost never.
But ... We have you ever wondered if for us it? Or do we have incorporated as a base to listen to again and again?
There are assumptions that are supported by good part of society, and other self-created ( I have no hand in the kitchen, I am a caring person, My favorite vacation spot is the beach, the blue color does not look good on me ... ). We go with them for life. But we can challenge them to think if we apply or not.

I propose an exercise:

think a general topic about women, the first that comes to mind. Breathe. Exhale slowly. Now ask yourself if your case is true. If you talk about you. If you represent as you are, or in some cases yes but not in others. (For example, returning to the topic title: Maybe you like the football, maybe not. Or before you're not interested and now I love it. A woman may be indifferent to him, another might hate, and third excited him.)

Now think anything they say about you in your family. What is your opinion? Is that still the case, it once was?

And finally you can do the same with a quality that you yourself think or say about you. Do you really think so? Is it one's own idea or you've always assumed it was true because someone told you? Does it apply in all cases? (For example if you think I'm a mess cooking, perhaps it is true that the dishes will come out of grief, but when it comes to dessert are the best. Or was true before but now sometimes you like and you are improving. Or really not interested in the kitchen and you are indifferent or may not be good at it).

What do you think of the exercise?


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