Monday, August 30, 2010

Can Hydrocodone Drop Blood Pressure

Post - It Note

When we meet someone we tend to get a first impression of the person and to place a label. Then, as time passes we add others. We also self-label. But eventually, in some respects, people change (or at least some people change). The practice makes us keep reading the label that we have some time. How often we label a person and not bother to look at what are now, how we see it after it has been a long time since that first impression.

A veces no es que la persona cambie sino que nosostras cambiamos nuestra forma de mirar, nuestra manera de acercarnos y conocer. Al cambiar nuestros valores puede cambiar nuestra valoración de las personas. Puede que en algunos casos nos venga bien desetiquetar, y volver a ver qué nos encontramos en ese ser humano que etiquetamos tiempo atrás. Por eso propongo recurrir a los Post-it. Esos cuadraditos de papel de poner y sacar que no se adhieren tan fuerte como una etiqueta nos permiten volver a juzgar una primera impresión. Porque tal vez el juicio que hicimos de alguien con la primer sensación ya no nos sirva para relacionarnos con esa persona ahora (o para dejar de relacionarnos).

people tags "? Do you change these labels ever?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Chaos Black Gpsphone Guide

There is much talk of self-knowledge. But how do you know? A basic way to know is observed. For example see the body. But what is seen? It is not looking in the mirror, albeit a very good first step, but note how the body is.

The body is a reflection of our life, our mood, our health, our way of being in the world. If you pay attention, we can give a lot of personal information. Warns, for example, we need rest. But it can also show anger or distress of which are not fully aware (is that digestive disorder is because they ate something bad and we fell so bad that we dropped the news that we got? "The trouble is a bad move or by nerves of the meeting tomorrow?)
few years ago I learned an exercise that is where we observe the weight and how we Soteno. Any time you're standing, try to identify how your body: Do you hold for the support of your feet on the ground? Or do you feel the whole body hangs from the shoulders? Where are you by force? Do you feel you pull the neck up? Do you have contracted and stiff hip? "Falling tone the body without the vital? Are you relaxed and flexible? Does the head hanging down, sinking between his shoulders, or lean slightly forward looking?

Interestingly, if you spend more time looking down or looking at life from the front.

What tells you your body? What do you notice your posture?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Audio Optiplex Gx620 Windows 7

body be where we are

We are where we are. Are we where we are? Is our thinking here or something else, somewhere else, in another time? Infindidad times has been said and written that the only moment that exists is the present. The past is past and the future has not arrived yet. It is only in the present where we can be.

The pace of life does not value much be where you are. Without being aware of it are very often in the future I will do this, I'll buy the other, you're on vacation ... Or get lost in the nostalgia of the past. Can serve us very nice to remember moments that have past, but not live permanently in what is already written. Similarly, it is encouraging to think ahead ... while we live now.

In any time of day o en varios, podemos intentar concientemente estar donde estamos. Pensar en ese momento que estamos viviendo, prestar atención a los sentimientos y sensaciones que estamos experimentando (no a los que podríamos experimentar o a los que antes hemos tenido, sino a los de ahora)  

Ahora estoy aqui. Con lo que pienso ahora, con lo que siento ahora, con las emociones y sensaciones que me acompañan ahora, con lo que toco y huelo y veo y escucho y saboreo ahora.

¿Estás donde estás? ¿Estás haciendo una cosa y pensado otra durante todo el día? ¿Estás en un sitio y longing to another permanently? What emotions and feelings you have now?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baseball Themed Receptions

change and the environment

When we talk of change is important to consider the impact of change on our environment. This term is applied in the ecological context, but is also relevant when it comes to personal change.

A personal change, whether voluntary or imposed by circumstances, implications always to some extent in those who belong to our own surroundings. If we are going through a change in our lives, help us to know that going to affect others. A change of habits, a new perspective, a change in our values \u200b\u200binfluence those with whom we interact daily. In some cases it shall do so slight, almost imperceptible. In others it will be vigorously confronted.

Let's look at examples: If I start a new activity (sport, course, a race, a therapy, etc.) Simple implications which can speak having to do with family schedules are changed, or less time to share with a friend. Although there are other deeper longer term.
If I decide to give less (or more) importance to cleanliness or planning things, or if I change my diet, people I receive my new attitudes nearby (no longer clean the kitchen as often, or that I am going everywhere with my agenda, or who do not eat meat) and you might get upset, or like or are indifferent.
Speaking of great personal change such as separation, change of city, or a major lifestyle change, our family, for example, will be severely affected.

When we decided to change others may agree or not. Someone may not want or can not join us on our new journey. Then it's time to assess whether we prefer to stay where we are or if you really want to move.

What reactions generated by your change in your environment? Are we in your hand but not accompany you?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Mattress Firm Negotiate


I accomplish this and do that and have that one. Want. Want. Want.

Today I propose to change the direction of I . He wants to move this forward. The invitation is to take a moment to think about the love from the day before.

explain the idea is to observe that things were some time ago I are parte de mi presente, hoy. A menudo nos centramos en el deseo dirigido al futuro y cuando el futuro llega no tomamos conciencia de los deseos que han llegado. Por eso esta propuesta: 

Quería esto, y hoy es parte de mi vida. 
Quería hacer eso y lo hice. 
Quería tener aquello otro, y lo tengo, o lo tuve durante un tiempo.

¿Eres conciente de todos los quiero de ayer que hoy eres, haces o tienes? 