Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Audio Optiplex Gx620 Windows 7

body be where we are

We are where we are. Are we where we are? Is our thinking here or something else, somewhere else, in another time? Infindidad times has been said and written that the only moment that exists is the present. The past is past and the future has not arrived yet. It is only in the present where we can be.

The pace of life does not value much be where you are. Without being aware of it are very often in the future I will do this, I'll buy the other, you're on vacation ... Or get lost in the nostalgia of the past. Can serve us very nice to remember moments that have past, but not live permanently in what is already written. Similarly, it is encouraging to think ahead ... while we live now.

In any time of day o en varios, podemos intentar concientemente estar donde estamos. Pensar en ese momento que estamos viviendo, prestar atención a los sentimientos y sensaciones que estamos experimentando (no a los que podríamos experimentar o a los que antes hemos tenido, sino a los de ahora)  

Ahora estoy aqui. Con lo que pienso ahora, con lo que siento ahora, con las emociones y sensaciones que me acompañan ahora, con lo que toco y huelo y veo y escucho y saboreo ahora.

¿Estás donde estás? ¿Estás haciendo una cosa y pensado otra durante todo el día? ¿Estás en un sitio y longing to another permanently? What emotions and feelings you have now?


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