Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Below Knee Black Dress

The 10 Laws of productivity

En C4E Trends seguimos de cerca las ideas de the99percent , un magnífico blog que trata temas similares a los nuestros. En esta ocasión ofrecen 10 modos de llevar ideas a la práctica , que adaptamos en este post . En su opinión existen 10 "leyes de la productividad" que los creativos que "ejecutan" sus ideas cumplen de modo sistemático:

1. Están orientados a la acción . Es fácil perderse en la planificación (o en los sueños). En el momento en que empiezas a actuar, recibes "feedback" valioso que ayuda a mejorar las iniciativas.
2. Empiezan en pequeño . Tendemos to think big but it is interesting concepts reduce to smaller ideas that can be implemented immediately.
3. Do not get discouraged with failures: listen and learn from them . Trial and error are fundamental. The process of polishing the ideas to come up with an improved version becomes mediocre initiatives truly groundbreaking product.
4. They have simple goals and frequently reviewed . We start many things, but when we passed the excitement we forget and nothing happens ... It is interesting to remember.
5. Work a little on your project every day . It is necessary to maintain daily living products that require a serious investment of creativity. It's like running: the more you run, the easier it run longer.
6. develop habits. "Routines" seem boring and unproductive, but actually based the best insights.
7. Divide the long-term projects in shorter stages requiring weeks or a month. That makes the product easier to manage and provides "sprints" on the road.
8. Deleted meetings. As blog readers know, few activities are unproductive meetings. If you have to meet (and that's enough), check that all are clear from the beginning what to get.
9. not know that. The creative energy is not infinite. The best creative forces measured carefully to maintain the quality of their work.
10. And remember that the rules (including productivity) can break . It is good practice to change from time to time because they do not work. The changes bring new perspectives and help to recharge the batteries.

are 10 laws that have helped us to think. And we thought we should share with readers because we all like to implement our ideas better ... MORE



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