Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Can't Get Wet After Period

Simon Hoegsberg as Coca-Cola

blog In trying to allocate space to businesses institutions and people who can be a source of inspiration.
You've given it much thought as to create people-centered organizations, they know their potential channel of communication. Coca-Cola teaches some lessons, at the hands of Joe Tripodi.
Tripodi said the messages were broadcast to the consumer business. The "impressions" were the key step: how many were going to see, read or hear your ad? Now the messages are spread in many directions, increase the contact points and approach to personal communication. Consumers can create content. of "impressions" we have gone to the "terms" . Coca-Cola helps to understand this fundamental process in the communication

1. Agree that consumers can generate more messages to the company. No need to fight against the tide of public expression.
2. create content that can "travel" by all means and be worthy of the public to "link".
3. Recognizes that, in a sense, you are the owner of your brand : consumers are. Coca-Cola learned that lesson with the launch of New Coke in 1985. But social media has been a step further. Facebook page of Coca-Cola is growing at a rate of 100,000 new fans week: 2 consumers started it, not the brand. You now have fans 26,799,109 .
4. beam experiments: some fail. But you can also share successes as "The Happiness Machine", the video that went viral success to television.
5. Facilitator know communities of users, do not try to control them.

Coca-Cola celebrates 125 years: we keep learning from it to keep brands relevant and generate excitement among consumers, which are sometimes true fans . MORE



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