Saturday, May 14, 2011

Milena Belba And Nadine Jensen Breats

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, Day 5)

woke a little before seven and went downstairs for breakfast. Have a glass container with ten kilos of chocolate cream was blown away more than one, especially me, who had since my arrival in Turkey without tasting it. We sat together all the English to maintain a mini meeting Spain WISTA working and our next local meeting.
If anyone is interested in knowing the end of the history of the Turkish navy deserted yesterday, the man turned the boat regretful about two in the morning. "Get a good girl and let the Christian Muslim hussy", must have thought.
At ten o'clock we went down to one of the rooms of the hotel and spent all morning getting lectures. The penultimate speaker was a little sleepy because I spoke English with a monotone. Finally spoke to the organizer of the international conference WISTA Stockholm to be held next September. These are the ultimate Swedish. And have everything ready to Stockholm.
At one we were served food in the restaurant. A package containing many vegetables pasta with tomato and second, chicken with sauce could not tell what flavor. Sorry, but the kitchen is not my thing.
A quarter to two we boarded two buses and took us to visit St. Sophia, which for me life has been Santa Sophia in Constantinople. 1400 years is the temple. It's just great.
In one of the aisles I met several children coming from or going to his circumcision ceremony.
There was a serious diplomatic conflict between the Greek delegation and travel guide told us the story del templo. Faltó poco para que la lincharan por su forma de contar la historia o, mejor dicho, de obviar parte de la historia. En ese momento nos dimos cuenta que no estaba con nosotras ninguna miembro de WISTA Turquía. Se habían separado de nosotras probablemente sabiendo lo que podía suceder. Las volvimos a encontrar en el autobús, a la salida. Entonces se mantenía una acalorada discusión entre las griegas. Una de mis amigas me dijo: “Tienes suerte de no saber griego porque estás evitando escuchar algo muy desagradable.”
Los turcos y los griegos se llevan a matar desde hace mucho tiempo. En WISTA, la relación entre la delegación turca y la griega ha sido desde el primer momento ejemplar.
Nos subieron to buses and taken to a large carpet store, where they explained how they are made. About five dependent opened carpets and spinning with incredible skill.
I discovered why the Iranian lawyer who has been with his son five years. Is your rifle. The poor woman can not travel alone. Do you think the defenders of morality that a boy of five years has more sense than a full-fledged lawyer?
Then we separate into small groups and enter the Grand Bazaar. The visit lasted an hour and a half with great success for the English delegation, which came out with several bags and leather jackets.
few days ago there was a police raid and went away with twenty thousand pieces of counterfeit items, so we could not enjoy the bazaar in all its glory. Still, there has been nothing wrong.
arrived at the hotel at half past seven. The presidents and executive committee members present at Istanbul WISTA had a mini meeting ended at eight and ten, giving us just enough time to go into the room, change clothes and run down to catch the bus back to the eight and a half. We went to the neighborhood
Akaretler where no trace of a mustache lords and ladies with a handkerchief. Is the high class area, quiet, stately buildings and luxurious restaurants. They took us to dinner at Al Jamal, a huge Lebanese restaurant decorated as if it were a nomadic tent. We sat at long tables four twenty-four guests each. We were joined by many members of WISTA Turkey. We filled the table in small containers with different foods. One had green grass and lemon mint flavor. In another delicious tart yogurt. In others, mixtures of different vegetables and sauces. All meals were accompanied by Turkish music. They came out to dance on stage several belly dancers. Then came the star of the night, a man dressed in a golden crust with a lot of flight moved to the rhythm of music. His hair was short and eyes painted corner. When the first time we did not know exactly what to say. Once he took off his coat and began to dance belly dancing, it became clear that it was the Arabic version of a drag queen. After finishing his performance, the Turkish completely disheveled and started dancing feet, between the tables. The remainder of these followed suit. There was a second performance of belly dancers and our star appeared again folkloric dress with tail coat but bare chest. When he removed his robe, he appeared in a dancer. Yes sir, in the coat tail. He continued
dance between the tables and on tables. These Turkish must leave shortly.
The belly dancers came to dance to the public. Then he approached our drag queen, sparking passions among the attendees. Servant could not resist the temptation to put a finger in the navel of the individual while writhing belly inward.
brought the main course, consisting of chicken and beef with many spices. The dessert came when nobody was paying attention to food and the situation was completely out of hand. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate cream and pistachios breathtaking.
At half past one got back to the bus and stayed a few drink in the cafe.
's three in the morning. This is going to cost you your life.


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