Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tattoos Los Genitales

Resources What presence you have on Twitter or Facebook?

Judy Shapiro seeks to clarify in Advertising Age the concept of "influence." Indeed, the influential not arise from "the social media revolution." We have always understood that they have the opportunity to reach more people effectively. But what is its value?
Klout, Twitalyzer, PeerIndex, Technorati and other companies measure the "social influence". For Shapiro, the tools available reward those who generate the greatest volume of content. The amount premium on quality. So social media can not be the only indicator of influence . Measure the influence
is interesting, but we can not forget that among those with "high social capital" is "self-promoter" tireless and celebrities joined by automated processes mutual monitoring. Some have the authority and credibility, but others do not.
What kind of presence on Twitter and Facebook do you want? Are you interested in reputation or credibility? The influence that really matters is that which serves as a basis for public confidence . The rest ... is, says Judy Shapiro, noise. MORE



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