Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Drinking And Ativan How Long Do U Have To Wait

Visit the best agencies, through YouTube

Advertising Age has just opened a new section: Agency Digs, an initiative which was introduced through its website, which aims at offering on-line visits the most creative agencies of the moment and opens with Cramer-Krasselt New York.
Led by Anne Bologna offers a guided tour of the agency, which includes a tour of their facilities, presentation of one of its employees and, incidentally, in vivo exposure of their culture, customers, and philosophy.
An informal video production and simple, accessible through YouTube, and will be the first in a series as an attempt to understand the agencies through something very characteristic: where they work.
We present below the first AgencyDig and link to the full article for AdAge, where Thomas Pardee explained the idea behind this initiative and also the first agency has chosen.


How To Get Color On Tv With Gamecube

4 tips a dream more productive

I hesitated a lot to post this entry, but the finding is not wasted: it is the post "Simple Rules for Better Sleep", I discovered a few days ago one of the NYT blogs.
In it, Daniel Buysse and his team at the University of Pittsburgh, offers a few tips to make the dream more effective, focused on changing behavior rather than eating pills, and summarized in four rules:
  1. Reduce the time you spend in bed.
  2. Arise at the same time every day.
  3. Do not lie down until you are drowsy.
  4. Do not stay in bed if you're not sleeping. A
seemingly simple practices that, according to the authors, improve sleep in 75% of cases, the way to ensure a healthy and productive life.
Because but the genius is often associated with night work, the truth is that there is no creativity without rest, and get a good night's sleep is vital to come up with good ideas. MORE

Zoo York Tech Deck Black And Gold

How do you get the simple "I like" loyalty on Facebook?

writes Debra Aho Williamson Advertising Age (May 18) a suggestive article on Facebook. Thousands of consumers say they "like" and become fans brands. Now the question is what next?
Several studies indicate that those who say "like" on Facebook are more willing to buy or recommend the brand. But at the same time, the ease with which it implies that the involvement of users may be small.
To convert the "like" in loyalty is interesting to recall some issues:

1. The "like" is easy. Loyalty is work. Some companies think they get "likes" is the ultimate goal, but in reality is just the beginning.
2. You can not engage people if you do not read your posts . Those who write outside office hours achieve greater impact. In any case, it would be when consumers of the brand ...
3. Discounts are a tool, not a strategy .
4. The number of "like" is not the only measure of success .

have "likes" is good news. As said Debra Aho Williamson implies that someone raises his hand indicating his willingness to engage . The marketing and communications begin with what comes next. MORE


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Gadget Can I Use To Win On Slot Machine

3 ideas for all to participate in meetings

keep talking about meetings. A common problem is that always speak the same . The others are discouraged, their views are heard and it is more difficult to participate. Thus, it is also difficult to engage in the tasks. Harvard Business Review proposes some solutions to this dilemma:

1. No master meeting. Mastering the impression that others have less time to talk and that only care about your ideas. Let several people speak before speaking again.
2. publicly thanked the participation of those who are often reluctant.
3. To get ideas from everyone, all question personally.

meetings require the participation of all. Otherwise, instead of an opportunity to find ideas and solutions, become a source frustration. Each meeting is a chance to team you can not miss. MORE


Sunday, May 22, 2011

What Is The Big Deal About A Brazilian Wax?

Speaking of the "revolution"

is the title of a Tracy Chapman song that will remind some readers of the blog (include the video below). We're talking about some "revolutions" (almost all peaceful, by the way). The weariness of the traditional political and financial machinery obvious. We're still too close to the facts, but perhaps not to recall the combination of several events with the prominence of Facebook, Twitter and blogs:

1. The financial crisis of 2008 ( Inside Job) and the sad case Strauss-Kahn (president of the largest global organization to regulate the economy)
2. Iceland citizen protests against the bankers to bankrupt the country
3. The emergence of tea parties
4. The "jasmine revolution" in Tunisia and Tahrir Square in Egypt
5. Movements in the Arab world, from Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria through
6. Organized mass mobilizations from Facebook against the FARC in Colombia
7. Demonstrations and camped in the Plaza del Sol and other English cities and Italian

What's happening? Every event is different, but there are commonalities. The power of the rebels and the disaffected , "armed" with social media is becoming greater. The financial and political class have serious problems and things will necessarily change. We still have more questions than answers, but we are investigating the movements of citizens, which is good news for civil society. If you have ideas to change the world, defend them. Politicians and financiers will not do for you.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Best Fake Id's In Ontario

The success of being part of great teams

live in societies and professional environments that celebrate the famous and successful and worship individual success and visibility .
Peter Bergman wrote a few months ago a post about team work in the films provides interesting lessons. A brilliant film only if its different aspects (sound, photography, art direction, script) are also great independently, but "collaborative." The "I" does not have much: only the best teams win . At the time, these teams are people unknown to the public that are essential to the film work, like all great directors and film makers know.
to rediscover the joy and success you inside that is part of great teams ... Because the collective success is much more interesting than the individual. And because they surround themselves with people is always better than a talent show. MORE


Thursday, May 19, 2011

How To Transfer Pokemon To Computer

What fans or bring the conversation?

This week, Marc Cortes has posted on his blog a very interesting post , in which he reflects on the smoke surrounding the Social Media What is the real value of the fans or the conversation Born in the Social Media for a brand? According to Marc, there, around Social Media, a kind of smoke that sometimes leads firms to stay and simply rejoice in the conversation by speaking and / or the number of fans for the simple number. Fans and conversation are simply tools and instruments. Very powerful tools that can allow brands to find and target a valid contacts to grow your business. Without this deeper vision (strategy), social media for brands can become more of a nuisance than a useful way.

Gameshark Cheats For Shiny Gold

Why not wait a bit?

live a few years instant gratification. We a just click anything, and we have lost the ability to wait, we become impulsive and forget the need for reflection. Against that, the movement "slow communication" proposes "to set the brake" and think about things more slowly. In this context
gain strength training habits of concentration and thought. It is important to arrive before, but you have to get well and, if possible, without errors. So, we venture to suggest some practices that help us:

1. Write emails in draft form, let sleep and do not send them until tomorrow
2. Program your blog posts to increase the chances of reviewing them
3. Think if you could improve this "tweet" writing it apart and giving it another round

Why not wait a bit? Your messages will gain strength and depth. Let that, as they say, is good count to ten ...

Bath Pillow For Older Tub

"The Burning House Project" to create business

The question reads: "If your house catch on fire ... which objects save? The answer is as varied as the participating public. " The Burning House "is a project that seeks to explore the limits between the practical and emotional journey for those objects more or less daily, considered "value." The blog is notable for the fantastic fusion of concept, photography and design. By the way: some really peculiar objects saved. MORE

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Film Mario Salieri Streaming Gratis

Looking for information and resources on the English edition of Generation Business Model, entitled Model Generation business, I found some interesting resources on innovation and entrepreneurship, based on the model of Alexander Osterwalder and its business model canvas , but interpreted and simplified style of the authors. I put down the two most interesting presentation formats (slideshare). The first of
Javier Megias through his blog, the second Giselle della Mea, found in the Blog Juan Sobejano . Two resources that can serve as a presentation of the book and offer a good platform for the development and creation of new businesses or companies. I hope you enjoy.


Tattoos Los Genitales

Resources What presence you have on Twitter or Facebook?

Judy Shapiro seeks to clarify in Advertising Age the concept of "influence." Indeed, the influential not arise from "the social media revolution." We have always understood that they have the opportunity to reach more people effectively. But what is its value?
Klout, Twitalyzer, PeerIndex, Technorati and other companies measure the "social influence". For Shapiro, the tools available reward those who generate the greatest volume of content. The amount premium on quality. So social media can not be the only indicator of influence . Measure the influence
is interesting, but we can not forget that among those with "high social capital" is "self-promoter" tireless and celebrities joined by automated processes mutual monitoring. Some have the authority and credibility, but others do not.
What kind of presence on Twitter and Facebook do you want? Are you interested in reputation or credibility? The influence that really matters is that which serves as a basis for public confidence . The rest ... is, says Judy Shapiro, noise. MORE


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Aurora Snow Jenna Haze Got Dick?

Brands, made person (or doll)

If your brand was made person What would it look? Something similar is what has sought to illustrate the JWT team based on the recent study marks BrandZ prepared by Millward Brown .
members known advertising agency have been taken into account only quantitative parameters to make doll brands across the globe. The physical appearance of toys reflect different qualities of each brand. For example, the size of the eye represents the charisma, the legs equals the confidence you have that mark, the shape of the head refers to the functionality, or body shape, potential and presence. It is possible compare brands together and create your own doll. MORE
: #

Bios Hp Pavilion A430n

The art of listening, for Communicate

Confirmed: Danish photographer Simon Hoegsberg likes experimentation. For just one example, the report "Free Advice" an interesting example of the new dynamics (and in fact, so classical ) of "To get, first give" .
In August 2009, Hoegsberg decided to spend five hours for a whole week to give people free advice and a cup of coffee. "The venue? The corner of a busy street in Copenhagen. In total, Simon had talked with about 50 people. The talks lasted ten minutes and an hour and a half and there was only one exception, that of a black woman who stopped a moment to see the poster: "Should I marry him?" She left without waiting for an answer. MORE

Can't Get Wet After Period

Simon Hoegsberg as Coca-Cola

blog In trying to allocate space to businesses institutions and people who can be a source of inspiration.
You've given it much thought as to create people-centered organizations, they know their potential channel of communication. Coca-Cola teaches some lessons, at the hands of Joe Tripodi.
Tripodi said the messages were broadcast to the consumer business. The "impressions" were the key step: how many were going to see, read or hear your ad? Now the messages are spread in many directions, increase the contact points and approach to personal communication. Consumers can create content. of "impressions" we have gone to the "terms" . Coca-Cola helps to understand this fundamental process in the communication

1. Agree that consumers can generate more messages to the company. No need to fight against the tide of public expression.
2. create content that can "travel" by all means and be worthy of the public to "link".
3. Recognizes that, in a sense, you are the owner of your brand : consumers are. Coca-Cola learned that lesson with the launch of New Coke in 1985. But social media has been a step further. Facebook page of Coca-Cola is growing at a rate of 100,000 new fans week: 2 consumers started it, not the brand. You now have fans 26,799,109 .
4. beam experiments: some fail. But you can also share successes as "The Happiness Machine", the video that went viral success to television.
5. Facilitator know communities of users, do not try to control them.

Coca-Cola celebrates 125 years: we keep learning from it to keep brands relevant and generate excitement among consumers, which are sometimes true fans . MORE


My Onkyo Receiver Shuts Down During High Volume

What does a "chief innovation officer "?

surprising that there is a profession like this: head innovation, but the truth is that agencies are fond of having one, especially the big ones.
And it seems that perhaps we are facing a new trend, something similar to what happened decades ago with personnel directors (or HR) profession seemed superfluous, but today, few companies can do without it .
Recently, McCann has announced the signing of Matias Palm-Jensen for the position in Europe, in charge of boosting the innovative capacity of the group, especially in the field of digital communication. Palm-Jensen, is known as one of the founders of the Swedish agency Farfar, one of the most creative of the section to its surprising disappearance in April 2010, a month after Palm-Jensen is leaving the company.
included below one of the most awarded marketing actions of Palm-Jensen: The World's Biggest Signpost, Nokia, and also a link where you can find more information about the profile of this character, with some ideas to understand what and what exactly does a Chief Creative Officer, for if you are interested in joining one o. .. prepare for the job.


Monday, May 16, 2011

My Friend Just Had A Baby Poem

A catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, day 7)

Three hours and forty-five minutes after you rest your head on the pillow and be in a coma woke up without remedy. I got up and finished packing. My eyes stung as if I was clicking with pins. Poured shampoo on your toothbrush instead of toothpaste. The arms and legs would not obey my orders as appropriate.
I went to breakfast at nine as he had been with the Greek. Of the five only appeared. Breakfast with her, she and her husband, a French woman and a Nigerian. Punctuality is not exactly one of the virtues of my friends. Began to appear between nine thirty and ten, if not speaking of which came to life at midnight.
We left the room and went to Anna-Maria on the pedestrian street to find one of the rare orders that I do when I travel. I could not find the Turkish mystical music discs in the two record stores that I indicated. Sorry, John.
We meet in the cafeteria of the hotel with three other Greek and the one we went to the airport. We hired a mini van at a great price. In the backs of the seats had individual boxes of baklava, the puff pastry with honey and nuts and the driver also gave us a drink. The floor of the van was carpeted, as if it were his living room.
We arrived at the airport in forty minutes, starting the trip with a terrifying descent down a slope very steep cobbled to have killed us.
We passed a security checkpoint at the entrance of the airport. These days I have noticed unusual security measures for us. At the entrance to a new shopping center on the pedestrian street there are always several guards with hand-held metal detectors. Today we saw down the street a police riot truck with a pressure hose installed in the ceiling.
forgot to tell you the other day, just walking down the street next to a Mini from the police, they threw some stones thug from a balcony. Threw on the roof the car, bounced off the floor and hit my leg. Luckily it was the second bounce, if not disgrace me leg.
The Greeks could check as soon as we arrived. I do not, so we had to say goodbye because they wanted to do some shopping in before boarding.
I sat down to wait and see happen to the passengers. Circulated by many Arabs there looking at you weird. A couple of individuals involved in white towels waiting to check luggage for the flight to Mecca. Had seen on TV wrapped in sheets circling the square building that I've never been able to know what is inside, but not wrapped in towels. I do not know that leaving home and dresses for the pilgrimage to Mecca is as if a lady goes to Rocío Manresa and departs from Barcelona airport dressed in ruffles.
fashion among Muslims who wear the head cap and long beard is just putting on pants to the ankle. I do not know if you have some religious significance or is it like to take the case.
He sat next to me looking like a Russian girl who got between breast and bottle of wine back a little as one drink a Coke.
Finally, two hours before the flight was on the screen the number of check-in and there I dropped the bag, which weighed 17.5 kg. Two of the Greek went from weight and were charged. There was a long discussion in Turkish before it go away.
I passed the passport control after a long queue. When I started to realize it was three and a half and had not eaten. My stomach has been upside down since yesterday, so I decided not to eat dinner and wait for the plane.
I took a stroll through the shops. There is a Hermes. Someone explain to me why there is a real Hermes store at the airport in Istanbul.
Upon reaching the gate we had to pass a new security control scanner. Like on the way, there were many passengers in Argentina. Among the English, abundant number of elegant ladies bags suspiciously brand new. Oh, those posh neighborhood of Salamanca! How you had me fooled!
embark on our time but we could not move for a while because the finger became stuck on the plane and had to come to disconnect the mechanics of the airport. At the end we went with a half hour late.
I was lucky enough to travel alone in the entire row of seats. I raised armrest and stuck a monumental sobada lying there, until they brought us dinner. Iberia was not food, but Turkish cuisine. Fig leaf roll with rice, salad, meal, chicken with rice and mashed potatoes with a sauce of unknown content, and for dessert a cake with apricot inside. I liked it. After dinner I kneaded and found much better. He wore all day in a sorry state. I have not slept very little over the past three days and eight hours sleep in my bed. Well, if there are ten better.
caught a couple of areas of turbulence on the journey. A couple of old ladies gave little cries of fear. One read: "God forbid anything happen," and the other: "You're squeezing my hand." Then they started giggling, almost on the verge of tears when they saw we were going to survive.
took us to land in Madrid for traffic congestion. Spent some time going around in circles. Leaving the plane
had to go through passport control and scanner. I was searched. I was fighting lately.
While waiting for the flight from Seville, sat behind me several girls of Cadiz. Speaking on the phone: "Almost we stayed in Moscow. The driver took the wrong airport and nearly missed the plane. In addition, we only had a visa so far. " How can you go wrong airport?
The plane left on time. I sat next to two Frenchmen who did not stop at criticizing the trip to Spain, the English and the English hips.
I had to clear customs in Seville. Thank God it was only scanner. If they open the suitcase, going directly to the slammer. My favorite driver
I was expecting. At half past one was home.
I'll go to bed and you do not know me probably three or four days. Next
leg trip soon, very soon, as a destination amazing.

Discount Straight Razors

Google also does ads

The success of Google Creative Lab, also in the world of advertising, is perplexing to industry professionals, who see a company priority is winning technology also in the world of communication.
His latest creation, "Dear Sophie," an ad to promote applications from Google disseminated through television and YouTube, has been the most valued spot of the week according AceMetrix, a well known company that produces weekly rankings to measure quality and effectiveness of the ads.
Although the piece is created in collaboration with BBH, the case no less interesting, and confirms the trend started by the company a few months ago with Parisian Love another spot created exclusively for them and presented at the SuperBowl in 2009.
An example of how advertisers are increasingly older and more active, leading to a clear question: What agencies are growing at the same rate?


ريسيفر Wow

Communication is ... heal

Those of us who study communication we have seen often is ... healing. When communication works, companies and institutions recover the life that seemed to awaken dormant energies, audiences are mobilized, become the enthusiasm and initiative, and all "take the shirt" with pride.
There are institutions and companies who can not update their messages. But the crisis long ago stopped being communication mere "communications crisis."
actually communication problems are problems of governance and management . Indeed, the messages have to be current and relevant. But communication is much more. Communication is direct and, therefore, provide vision and hope.
continue devoting time to think about what communicate and share with you, as we have in previous posts that have helped us to investigate and think. Delegate

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How To Rebuild A Ski Doo

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, day 6)

After four hours sleep I got up for breakfast with the English and splitting to Sultanahmet. I will get to see the palace Domabahçe, but the plan is that Mercedes was quite prepared us more attractive. He brought with him the address of a store that is not a store, is the cave of Ali Baba. We got there after walking through the pedestrian street, take the underground cable car and tram. It was a tiny little shop, with shelves on every wall containing bags and the odd pair of shoes without much appeal. When the clerk saw us get asked, "English?". To see us nodding pulled out a remote control as those used to open garages, and it was as if he had said "Open, Sesame", because one of the walls are opened leading to a hidden room, do should say to paradise? My heart got a hundred an hour to see that. We did happen, we sat on sofas and brought us some refreshments. For three hours we had the clerk, who calls himself Joe, in our sole provision. I literally emptied the store, and I feel no remorse.
On one wall were pictures of the English customers. Believe me, half Loewe bags that come in the Hi have left the store.
Casa Pedro is a short walk from the Basilica Cistern. I can provide direction on payment of commission. The owner of the store, so Peter is married to a Malaga. We had the pleasure of knowing him personally.
bags, belts, wallets, pens, wallets, briefcases. Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Montblanc, Prada, Miu Miu, Hermes, Carolina Herrera. All luxury brands were there, within reach of our pockets y con una calidad excepcional.
Cuando le preguntamos si tenía relojes, Pepe me mandó levantar del sofá donde estaba sentada y de un doble fondo empezaron a salir aquellos tesoros que compramos sin tino.
De las cinco que íbamos tres tuvieron que marcharse porque volaban por la tarde. Carmen y yo continuamos allí para negociar con Pepe el precio de nuestras compras. Tras un duro regateo por parte de Carmen, que lo lleva en la sangre, obtuvimos un descuento aceptable. Salimos de allí con dos enormes bolsas y fuimos a encontrarnos con Nuvara y dos griegas, Anna-María y Eleftheria para comer. Nuvara nos llevó a un restaurante encantador en los alrededores de Santa Sofía, en una construcción de piedra con un patio central. Our table was to walk the marble fountain in the center of the courtyard. We
on Friday with an exceptional time. The wind stopped, the sun shines and the temperature is great.
Leaving Restaurant Nuvara we said goodbye and went to Casa Pedro for the Greek could make their purchases. Carmen went to see the Basilica Cistern in the meantime.
illegal immigrants were charged as a drink on a terrace overlooking the racecourse where there are no horses or stands or grass. Carmen took the opportunity to enter the Blue Mosque. Not that Carmen is Muslim and felt the need to go look for Mecca, is that Carmen had not had occasion to visit before. We have commented
those that have been around in previous occasions, a greater number of women with headscarves.
At half past seven we headed to the hotel. We took a taxi. No we were with the body to travel the first trip by tram and then walk.
I went to the room and began to pack our bags, stacking purchases without a problem. Advantages of traveling light to the first leg.
Sara received a visit from one of our members in Valencia, who has traveled with her husband. After seeing my shopping I asked the leadership of Casa Pedro to go first thing in the morning to empty the store. I forgot to charge commission.
At half past eight, with no time to change me, I went down the hall to meet with four Greek and a British lawyer who is a member of WISTA Spain because it is temporarily living in Madrid. We went to dinner at the pedestrian street, a restaurant called 360, located on the eighth floor of a building. The view was spectacular. The only tall building in the area is the Marmara hotel, so we could see from there all of Istanbul. My stomach has already said enough, so I was unable to eat anything. On the way back, even though Sunday night, the street was very lively. Eleftheria
, Anna-Maria and I went to Angie's room, a Greek who already has three husbands and a huge ring of lapis lazuli. In the Greek delegation have another that goes around the room. For the fourth husband, not by the fourth ring.
We talked until three o'clock, when we had to terminate the encounter because the eyelids and I responded appropriately and was in danger of falling asleep in one of those comfortable beds.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Milena Belba And Nadine Jensen Breats

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, Day 5)

woke a little before seven and went downstairs for breakfast. Have a glass container with ten kilos of chocolate cream was blown away more than one, especially me, who had since my arrival in Turkey without tasting it. We sat together all the English to maintain a mini meeting Spain WISTA working and our next local meeting.
If anyone is interested in knowing the end of the history of the Turkish navy deserted yesterday, the man turned the boat regretful about two in the morning. "Get a good girl and let the Christian Muslim hussy", must have thought.
At ten o'clock we went down to one of the rooms of the hotel and spent all morning getting lectures. The penultimate speaker was a little sleepy because I spoke English with a monotone. Finally spoke to the organizer of the international conference WISTA Stockholm to be held next September. These are the ultimate Swedish. And have everything ready to Stockholm.
At one we were served food in the restaurant. A package containing many vegetables pasta with tomato and second, chicken with sauce could not tell what flavor. Sorry, but the kitchen is not my thing.
A quarter to two we boarded two buses and took us to visit St. Sophia, which for me life has been Santa Sophia in Constantinople. 1400 years is the temple. It's just great.
In one of the aisles I met several children coming from or going to his circumcision ceremony.
There was a serious diplomatic conflict between the Greek delegation and travel guide told us the story del templo. Faltó poco para que la lincharan por su forma de contar la historia o, mejor dicho, de obviar parte de la historia. En ese momento nos dimos cuenta que no estaba con nosotras ninguna miembro de WISTA Turquía. Se habían separado de nosotras probablemente sabiendo lo que podía suceder. Las volvimos a encontrar en el autobús, a la salida. Entonces se mantenía una acalorada discusión entre las griegas. Una de mis amigas me dijo: “Tienes suerte de no saber griego porque estás evitando escuchar algo muy desagradable.”
Los turcos y los griegos se llevan a matar desde hace mucho tiempo. En WISTA, la relación entre la delegación turca y la griega ha sido desde el primer momento ejemplar.
Nos subieron to buses and taken to a large carpet store, where they explained how they are made. About five dependent opened carpets and spinning with incredible skill.
I discovered why the Iranian lawyer who has been with his son five years. Is your rifle. The poor woman can not travel alone. Do you think the defenders of morality that a boy of five years has more sense than a full-fledged lawyer?
Then we separate into small groups and enter the Grand Bazaar. The visit lasted an hour and a half with great success for the English delegation, which came out with several bags and leather jackets.
few days ago there was a police raid and went away with twenty thousand pieces of counterfeit items, so we could not enjoy the bazaar in all its glory. Still, there has been nothing wrong.
arrived at the hotel at half past seven. The presidents and executive committee members present at Istanbul WISTA had a mini meeting ended at eight and ten, giving us just enough time to go into the room, change clothes and run down to catch the bus back to the eight and a half. We went to the neighborhood
Akaretler where no trace of a mustache lords and ladies with a handkerchief. Is the high class area, quiet, stately buildings and luxurious restaurants. They took us to dinner at Al Jamal, a huge Lebanese restaurant decorated as if it were a nomadic tent. We sat at long tables four twenty-four guests each. We were joined by many members of WISTA Turkey. We filled the table in small containers with different foods. One had green grass and lemon mint flavor. In another delicious tart yogurt. In others, mixtures of different vegetables and sauces. All meals were accompanied by Turkish music. They came out to dance on stage several belly dancers. Then came the star of the night, a man dressed in a golden crust with a lot of flight moved to the rhythm of music. His hair was short and eyes painted corner. When the first time we did not know exactly what to say. Once he took off his coat and began to dance belly dancing, it became clear that it was the Arabic version of a drag queen. After finishing his performance, the Turkish completely disheveled and started dancing feet, between the tables. The remainder of these followed suit. There was a second performance of belly dancers and our star appeared again folkloric dress with tail coat but bare chest. When he removed his robe, he appeared in a dancer. Yes sir, in the coat tail. He continued
dance between the tables and on tables. These Turkish must leave shortly.
The belly dancers came to dance to the public. Then he approached our drag queen, sparking passions among the attendees. Servant could not resist the temptation to put a finger in the navel of the individual while writhing belly inward.
brought the main course, consisting of chicken and beef with many spices. The dessert came when nobody was paying attention to food and the situation was completely out of hand. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate cream and pistachios breathtaking.
At half past one got back to the bus and stayed a few drink in the cafe.
's three in the morning. This is going to cost you your life.

Friday, May 13, 2011

How Much Do You Make With A Gym Franchise

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, day 4)

Although light woke me up exactly at six-thirty, I stayed in bed until half past eight. At quarter past nine came for a co-Nuvara and took us to the hotel where he will hold WISTA Med, in Taksim Square. It took almost an hour to arrive, but there should be no more than five miles. Istanbul is seventeen million people, seventeen, one after another. Traffic is hell and there were people everywhere at all times. To cross from the Asian to the European ferry or you can do across the bridge over the Bosphorus, which glows at night. We did the bridge. Breakfast in the car a bagel with sesame on top and a piece of cheese. Arriving at the hotel
parked in prohibited area and we reversed up to the contrary, a maneuver I've seen do these days too often. They drive like crazy.
I registered and got on luggage. He circulated the news that has become the motto "The wrinkle is beautiful" because my shirts are full of them. I have not brought iron and I have wanted to borrow one, so that's what you get.
eleven o'clock I left the hotel with a group of four Greek and went to meet with two others already in Sultanahmet from first time because they had half a brain and got up early to seize the day. The convinced to go on foot and by tram to avoid traffic by taxi. Upon arrival at the venue decided to enter the Blue Mosque but it was not possible because it was giving Mr screams over the loudspeaker call to prayer and we closed the doors to tourists. As it was Friday, that was packed with a mustache lords and ladies in headscarves.
decided to take a walk around and come back after two in the afternoon.
At half past one Turkish joined us to lead the Grand Bazaar shopping. It took first köfte eat, that would be something like crushed meatballs. They were delicious. The place where we ate very well known here. They have many photos of celebrities on the walls. Famous for them, because I do not know any.
Just before lunch there was a moment of tension between the Greek because they could not agree on what to do or in what order, so I finally decided to divide us. I went with two to see the Blue Mosque and Spice Bazaar. There was a queue to enter the mosque because the entry of people take off their shoes and very slow pace. Today smelled walking there. We took a few pictures and went from there to breathe fresh air.
We went walking to the bazaar, stopping at each and every one of the souvenir shops along the road. The store owners ask if you want to drink. In one we took a box of Turkish delight and we were unable to say no. I knew that I picked strawberries. Not bad. The best selling are the eyes of fate and the cups they use to make tea, which are pear-shaped.
Upon arrival at the bazaar, Evgenia, one of the Greek left out because they do not stand being indoors around other people. Eleftheria and I went to buy tea, ham, beef and spices that they had ordered. We went out fast and we walked to the hotel slowly. We climbed the hill in the underground cable car because we were not for climbing, reaching the pedestrian shopping street, which is long as a day without bread. We propose cross it rises in the vintage tram but had to withdraw because it seemed the cabin of the Marx Brothers and that would cost the lives of Evgenia.
During the tour, we had to enter up to buy New Balance Eleftheria a pair of sneakers because they had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bgoing out with some dancers. He left the store with shoes new jobs and said it looked like he was flying.
arrived to the hotel at five. In the cafeteria were a few members of WISTA Turkey and some foreign. Several local journalists were doing an interview.
I went to the room after a while to shower and change clothes. At six were cited for a cocktail on the first floor. I have not counted the number of attendees, but we must be about 70 or so. Iran is a lawyer who has come with his son five years. Today has been devoted to try public transportation because that's what the kid was excited. Is there no buses in Iran? The tram I understand, but the kid is much insisted on riding the bus. I could not ask why because they only know how to say "hello" and "ok."
At seven o'clock we packed into two buses and taken to Pier Kabatas to board an evening cruise on the Bosphorus. Two of the English arrived directly from the airport to the boat and had to change clothes in the bathrooms. We have been ten. Since we see so little, we decided to have dinner all together. Barcelona girl came first and raved on colors because saw first hand what it means WISTA. He is a correspondent of a P & I, which is like insurance for cars but for boats. During the dinner came a message on his Blackberry. Everyone here has the Blackberry in hand all the time. A crew of a Turkish ship had deserted in Tarragona in love (How nice!) He the fact that at that time we were on the cruise ship the assembly plant, the agent and insurance.
The cruise was amazing. We ate fish, at last. They were huge bugs that came out of the dish.
At eleven o'clock we landed and returned to the hotel. A few sat in the cafeteria until two o'clock.
Dead, I'm dead.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Monster Energy Can Earrings

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul , day 3)

As I feared, the light woke me up at six thirty and I could not sleep much. At eight-thirty I got up. Cagri Nuvara and had gone to work, so I had the house to myself. What a view you have! I sat down to enjoy it for a while. To the right of the window is a flowering almond. I saw boats pass up to the Black Sea and down into the Marmara, and a suspicious clouds threatening downloaded at any time.
After breakfast I went in the direction of the European area. I took a bus and then a boat. Here you pay the bus as in Greece, with a ticket purchased in advance at a kiosk or with a travel voucher. I was the same as in Athens because Cagri lent me his bonus to move Istanbul today. The ship
sat next to me a fat blonde who took out the phone and began talking loudly. The hundred-odd passengers went silent or talking softly. The only sound was the other way. People could look to see who was that crazy. By the way took the opportunity to look at the foreigner who was sitting next to the crazy. The word "foreigner" have not invented modernillos English, is a Turkish word that means: foreigner.
midway stood up and said something in Turkish. I replied: "English", so he turned to the man who was the other side and gave him a black knapsack he was carrying, then disappearing. The haversack was seated between Mr. and myself. Of the fat, or trace. Is it a bomb? Because the fat did not appear and we were docking at Eminonu. For showed signs of life so the fat and took his knapsack when we were disembarking. I have not heard any fat that has exploded in Istanbul.
The Bosphorus was pretty upset today. Strong winds and the current was very strong. If you fall into the water off you go dismissing it just appeared in Bandirma. You could see the boats going up to the Black Sea did so with great effort against the current.
I took the tram to the Topkapi Palace and went to visit him. Rather than a single building, are a series of pavilions. Are reminiscent of when the Ottomans were nomadic because it resembles a camp full of different shops. In a pavilion guarded the sultan's turban, in other books, other kids circumcised, in another receiving visitors, etc, etc. Speaking of circumcision, yesterday we came across a kid dressed in white lace. Nuvara told me it was the ceremonial dress to get circumcisions. "I do not know if coming or going to the ceremony," he said. Noting the strange way of walking of the subject I knew was coming.
In all the monuments there are hundreds of school and putting together hampering noise. Greet you by saying: "Hello." At first greeted me too. On the tenth "Hello" I decided to start ignoring them completely.
Upon entering the gardens I met a group of five Orthodox Jews leaving to visit the palace. They had three bodyguards.
There were many tourists from Muslim countries. In Topkapi saved a few relics of Islam, so it has become a place of pilgrimage for Muslims. Brought them when they invaded Arabia and Egypt. There is a monk chanting Koranic texts continuously in the pavilion where they have exposed.
I ate a sandwich in the cafeteria of the palace because I still had to see the harem, who told me my friend Marisol who was the best part of the palace, and he was right. Siberian cold was in the area. Thus there was a huge fireplaces in the rooms. Almost all the walls are decorated with tiles in shades blue, from Iznik.
After the visit, I went walking to Eminonu, across the Galata Bridge and took the funicular up to the pedestrian subway where we were yesterday. I was browsing through the shops but did not see anything interesting. It's like the main street of any city, Berska, Gap, Body Shop and McDonalds. Zara did not see anywhere, but somewhere it should be. I went to the Taksim square and went to see the monument to Atatürk. This gentleman, who real name was Mustafa Kemal, the father of the nation. If you walk into a Turkish ship, a Turkish official building or in a Turkish bath, you'll find a picture of Atatürk. The bathroom is an exaggeration. I do not come saying that nobody was in Turkey and saw no portrait of Atatürk in the bathroom.
Tired of walking, I sat in a coffee shop until I got a message that the group WISTA Greece was already in Istanbul. Tomorrow begins the 3 rd Annual Meeting of Mediterranean WISTA. The first was held in Tuscany and the second last year in Madrid. Last year I told you not because of what you would have in Madrid. Moreover, already had enough of being part of the organization and beyond to find time to tell.
I went to the hotel where we will host them all, ten feet square, and I found part of the Turkish delegation, the Greek, two Dutch and one Nigerian. There are three English and in Istanbul. We salute you, but then went on their own because they had been to dine with Turkish customers. The Dutch and Nigerian non-course Mediterranean countries but is that Turkey extended an invitation to everyone and they have signed. It has also been a Swede to tell us how are the preparations for the annual conference to be held in Stockholm in September.
The Dutch gift brought me a rug for computer mouse that mimics the Delft pottery. They say he could not resist the temptation when were at the airport, knowing that I am a geek computers.
I have a huge concern since I came to Turkey. Each time I have to go to the bathroom pass a moment of anguish. The toilets here are infernal machines. Pitorrito have a suspect, highly suspect. What time will fly off a jet of water from the pitorrito? How is triggered? Will you give me in the face when pulling the tank? I've been asking me these questions since Tuesday. By going to greet the Greek, I went to the rooms of the hotel and we were playing with the controls of the toilet to learn how to use the device. I have already been more peaceful. We had dinner
two Turkish, six Greek and me. I keep eating things I can not describe. In restaurants the waiter comes to the table with a tray of small containers and choose what you want to eat. Then ask for the main course. Pictured are some of those things.
A Nuvara half past eleven and I went to home. It was raining.
Tomorrow we move to the hotel because it is much more comfortable and we are with all the others.

Airwalk Rollerblade Specs

delegate will make you more effective and happier ...

indispensable at work because it broadens the possibilities to implement projects and implement them. But there are people who have difficulty. Sometimes managers leave this essential practice by overwork, lack of confidence in your team or overconfidence in their own abilities and strengths. Harvard Business Review proposed 3-track single for "divide more game":

1. Identify what you can do only. Look at your plan of work to see what tareas, proyectos o funciones requieren tus capacidades o tu nivel de autoridad.
2. Ordena el resto de actividades para decidir qué tareas pueden hacer ya los demás y cuáles requieren “coaching”.
3. No dejes las tareas que más te divierten incluso si las pueden hacer otros . Delegar debe incrementar tu satisfacción en el trabajo, no disminuirla.

La falta de delegación aboca a la ineficacia (y, posiblemente, al agotamiento). Si sabemos delegar seremos más productivos, lograremos sacar adelante más proyectos…y seremos más felices. También tu empresa lo agradecerá.


Sara Jay Bang Bug, Sara Jay

Success costs 800 € and a great idea

€ 800 is what it cost the campaign of Starcom MediaVest Group to launch the new single Kaizers Orchestra (Norwegian musical group), and has taken three awards at the Festival of Media . The idea: to spread the music and lyrics of the song, before the group record it, asking users to do their particular interpretation of the theme. The diffusion was carried out mainly through Social Media. The group recorded their version on the disc and included two versions passed by the users. The impact of the campaign was spectacular and the album reached No. 2 on iTunes in just 48 hours. It is clear that social media can not neglect the term "Social" (share, participate, contribute ...) because that is the key.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vit E Capsule For Face

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, day 2)

At eight o'clock had come Nuvara to wake up because I was sleeping a loose leg. I must say that at six-thirty I woke some kids that came out to school. The six and a half. Poor things. Then I fell into a coma until I was woken up mercilessly.
In this village there are no shutters, so I fear it will be the last day not wake at dawn. Nuvara
took the day off to teach Istanbul. She is the daughter of Yugoslavian Muslims who came to live in Turkey when they started to smell that there would be ethnic cleansing in the Balkans. No holds more kindness in the body. I even gave a motive for having me tomorrow localized emergency.
We left at nine-room house and we walked to the Beylerbeyi Palace, along the river in the Asian region. It was built as a summer palace for the sultan in the century XIX. Siberian cold was there. Outside the wind blew and there were waves. Inside the palace was full of rooms to welcome visitors with giant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. We had to cross it with plastic bags in shoes to avoid damaging the carpets. The guide spoke no English, so I had to learn all through a French guide who accompanied the Magnifica MSC cruise passengers. Indeed, huge ship. As a fifteen-storey building in motion.
breakfast in the restaurant of the palace to go. Nuvara told her to choose the menu. Mistake, blunder. As I do not hear what talk to the waiters I encountered what appears in the photo. Black olives for breakfast. By God! Cucumber. By God! What's that long green what it is, God?
We left there and took a bus to Uskudar to cross by boat to the European zone. The bus was full of ladies with headscarves and gentlemen with a mustache. The boat trip lasted about fifteen minutes to Eminonu. They entered the Sirkeci station, where came the Orient Express. Still retains the air of the season. On the sidewalk in front of the main entrance there were groups of men dressed in black with no apparent activity. Nuvara could not explain why they were there. We
el tranvía hasta Sultanahmet y entramos a ver la Cisterna de la Basílica. Imaginad la mezquita de Córdoba construida en un subterráneo y con un palmo de agua en el suelo. Eso es la Cisterna, un depósito de agua subterráneo construido por Justiniano en el siglo VI cuya bóveda está sostenida por 336 columnas. Se supone que disfrutas del paseo con música clásica de fondo, pero había tal cantidad de escolares allí abajo que era imposible oír nada. En el palmo de agua viven peces. Si los del estanque del Retiro son grandes, estos eran monstruosos, gordos como vacas y con los ojos saltones y bigote.
Fuimos caminando hasta la Mezquita de Sultan Ahmet o Mezquita Azul. Azul por la cantidad de azulejos de ese color que on the inside. We had to remove shoes and put on a headscarf. This looked like a village bumpkin running around that carpet in socks. Attached photo for your enjoyment. We sat a while to observe how men prayed facing Mecca. The women pray too, but have to stay in the corners. It was the first time he entered a mosque, so freaked out in color.
The muezzin is responsible for calling to prayer five times a day. It's not like before, that he's up to one of the minarets and was screaming from there. Now they have speakers, it is better to wake up at five in the morning.
on the sides of the mosque have a few taps and marble benches where people sit to wash their feet before praying. Also run their hands wet behind the ears. None was wearing a towel, and juggling to dry your feet and hands with the legs of the pants or the same socks.
We ate nearby at a site known for its meatballs. How rich, how rich, how rich! Once responses
forces went to the Grand Bazaar. Nuvara previously mobilized to everyone you know to find out where I could buy quality watches and handbags. Well annotated with the addresses we enter paradise. A maze of shops under a vaulted ceiling works since the fifteenth century. Do the Americans really that they invented the mall? The merchants immediately know which country you are and you talk in your language. I have English side. Today it's clear. Absolute and resounding victory. My staff kept dribbling hard bargaining with the shopkeepers to get discounts of up to 70% on everything I bought. Shame what store bags. Both the leather and the prices were higher level. On Saturday we will return with all members of WISTA arriving from tomorrow. If we manage to raze the store is likely to get the purse I want at a reasonable price. They value these Turkish. They will lose half of the tour there inside.
When we got out of the bazaar, much to my regret, we enter another bazaar, the spice. You enter through the nose smells and colors for the eyes. Turkish viagra had, which seemed to me dried figs with walnuts inside, but good. Nuvara
me again demonstrated their skills, getting a beautiful caftan at a great price.
Nuvara, my shopping bags and I crossed the Golden Horn by the Galata Bridge on foot and then climbed into the underground funicular up Karaköi. Went down the Istiklal pedestrian street, filled with people going up, down, in and out of stores. We arrive at Taksim Square, where my father was robbed of the portfolio, and we a place to dine. More meat. Attached photo. This time I chose what I personally want to eat. Dead
after twelve hours straight, took a curious transport to return home. There are a nine-seater vans yellow around the Taksim Square. When you go up and crowded the sliding door closes automatically and the driver shot out to its destination. Ours was just at the end of the bridge over the Bosphorus. Some hundred meters before, in the bridge, over a hundred per hour, the driver triggered the automatic sliding door and there we jugándonos life because none of us was wearing a seat belt. Healthy and sound
we got home to see the end of the final match of Turkey Cup, which won the Besiktas, to the delight of Nuvara. On the way home we passed the team's stadium. Nearby was a giant screen where hundreds of fans watched the match being played somewhere in Anatolia.
Now I'm sitting on the couch with the front window watching the bridge over the Bosphorus changes color every five minutes. Is lit and now it's pink and green and was once in a while I think it will be purple. I
ground. The tourist's life is very hard.

Goat Cheese Disgusting

How to survive on Facebook and Twitter?

How long does a post on Facebook before they become obsolete? According to Irina Slutsky article in Advertising Age , 80 minutes. Brands that invest to achieve the public's attention in Facebook have little time. The life span of a tweet is even lower: Twitter in 95% of the "retweet" occur in the hour following the publication . Then there is little to do ...
How to keep "alive" on Facebook? 50% of the "like" taking place in the first 80 minutes, 80% in the first 7 hours, 95% in the first 22 hours.
is interesting to think about as short a time. It seems clear that if we publish too, some posts end up "cannibalizing" other and the message is lost. At the same time, we can not publish too little because the ideas are not disseminated.
Thinking about time and attention helps us find the right balance but need to further investigate this communication era marked by unprecedented levels of speed . MORE


Recipe For Easy Bake Oven Pertzel Mix

Facebook Need help making money?

With the recent announcement of its benefits this year in record numbers for the company, no one doubts that Facebook is an operation not only successful but profitable, in proportions that seem to have no limit.
But the really relevant question for marketers is whether advertisers can make money with Facebook. Win directly, not just by the indirect benefit generated by the presence and conversation.
few weeks ago, Forrester published a study, something controversial, it is stated categorically that no, the ads are, but nobody buys anything.
Even so, some still think that this is only a matter of time: If there are people selling will end, others view these data as confirmation that Facebook is a place to talk but not to buy.
A new information to think about the future and the present, social media and branding. MORE

Hairdressing The International Colour Chart


When undertaking any project, whether personal or professional, I always think the concept of mission.

For me it is a sacred concept that goes far beyond the moral and professional obligation to perform a certain task ... means deeply involved in all that is necessary, directly or indirectly to do it.

happens that sometimes there are circumstances that force to interrupt the course of it, and even to end them early.

one that will stop soon. There is another, following a call telephone yesterday, that was interrupted abruptly.

When in the course of a mission change in circumstances, and this obviates your intervention, you should know to retire on time and preserve intact the force ... and not despair.

Life is full of quests.

How To Get Clear Legs

Why Apple should learn ... Nokia

These days we talk about Apple , hailed as the most valuable brand of the moment.
are many lessons to be learned at Apple . It has long been a paradigm of design and innovation, all admire the leadership of Steve Jobs, has succeeded in making the product launches global events that follow closely, not just consumers, it fans are enthusiastic ambassadors of brand ...
Patrick Barwise and Seán Meehan said in Harvard Business Review collapse that Nokia should scare Apple (April 25). A few years ago also Nokia was an admired and innovative companies that dominated the market, consumers were loyal and had his vision of "connecting people".
Large companies (and the good people) know that complacency can be lethal and should not abandon the path of learning. Apple will have to be thinking over from Steve Jobs, who made ready the release of 2011. Apple is riding the crest of the wave, but nobody has an assured future. MORE


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Multiregion Sony Dvp Sr200p

a catheter in Constantinople (Istanbul, day 1)

I would have started this chronicle recounting that came to Constantinople after endless month voyage as part of a caravan of merchants from all parties and none, traveling in wagons pulled by horses, mules and oxen, I'm trying to change my horse for a camel to go into the mysterious and dangerous Asia in search of adventure. No, I have come to Istanbul in an Iberia plane from Madrid and I just to delve into the mysterious Asia aboard a Renault Megane driven by my friend Nuvara.
sounded the alarm for three o'clock, teasing mystery movie I was dreaming. Just then, the murderer, a schoolmate of my brother, had just recognized the face of the witness to the crime and was about to chase for brushes.
My favorite taxi driver picked me up at 03:58 hrs and arrived at the airport at 04:56 hrs, having found the only way a truck. I am surprised that the roads were made at that time. As my favorite taxi driver knows exactly where fixed cameras are not on the coast was clear (read Picolet or Civil Guards Motorized), exceeding the speed limit and we move to a whopping 120 kilometers per hour. Invoice
suitcase. 10.5 kgs. Acceptable, considering that in a bottle of sherry will not come back to me. I can buy 12.5 kgs. Grand Bazaar, here I come!
We sat down to breakfast, but had to wait a while because the cafeteria was not open yet. I drank a milkshake color Pink Panther and ate a cupcake than 500 grams. No exaggeration. Was above white cream and chocolate cream. Great.
The plane left on time. Several iPads among passengers. Soon, soon.
He was a black boy of about eight years (or I have to say black?) Traveling alone, with the face of this-and-me-ha-happened-before-and-no-me-do-not-touch-of- grace, armed with the PS3 not the entire flight took off. Well, I think. Could not be sure because I dedicated myself to look for in a while.
landed in Madrid at eight. The flight attendant fired us with, "We hope we have offered a trip over." "About? I did a tour
stores T4. Aldeasa is on sale. Bad sign.
I sat down to watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy on the computer. When I finished my flight was already announced on the screens. I had to go to T4 satellite on a subway train. I spent another passport control, so I guess they use that area for extra flights.
In the waiting area was a curious character, a religious turban and long white beard, asleep or meditating. They should not have vows of poverty in this religion because it went in first. The first hour
the flight went in absolute silence. Many Argentines, Americans and Valencia on board. All sleeping dead leg loose, maid included. When we brought the food started the commotion. I was because I ate the seats. No sign of cupcake half a kilo. Salad (three pieces of grass with an olive) and macaroni and cheese and tomato. I found a piece of mushroom in the end. They were rich, as if to us we were eating in Italy, where we really were eating, because we flew over Sardinia at that moment. My mother Asturian chorizo \u200b\u200bcheck them for more flavor and are that you shit. Too bad road to go Islam. On the tray we put a little sign saying, "This food contains no pork."
landed in Istanbul at 16:20 hrs, one hour more than in Spain. They began queuing. A queue to get the visa, which is a joke. There are about fifteen euros loose windows where you put a sticker on the passport and not look at you face. Clearly, you're paying the entrance to the park. Another queue for passport control. Three quarters of the same. Prove that you paid the sticker and inside. At that point the luggage and should take ten laps in the baggage claim. Indeed, mine is visible in the distance walking. I picked it up and went out to there.
I was waiting Nuvara, president of WISTA Turkey. We went for a walk before sitting down to dinner. I saw out of the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. We went around the racetrack, where there are no horses or grass or bleachers or anything because that was in another time and there is nothing left. He took me to dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Bosporus, where he had moored at least a hundred ships, waiting to board the Black Sea or to refuel. Awesome, truly awesome.
I can hardly explain what I ate. All new and delicious. There were balls of beef and lamb with pistachio breathtaking. Also grape leaves with rice and spices inside. Mini pizzas with ingredients of colors. Mashed eggplant. And for dessert, baklava, pastries with pistachio and honey.
After such a delicious food went to his home in the Asian region, where I'm going to stay a few days. Istanbul is in Europe and Asia, divided by the Bosphorus. Nuvara and her husband live in a small two-storey building in a Huge windows with river views and modern decor. I love it.
is the first time in my life I tread Asia. Asia sounded a ridden Mongolian steppe. This Asia here has streetlights streets and shops with storefronts. I'm a little disappointed, actually. After
small technical difficulties, Cagri's husband Nuvara, managed to connect computer to the internet. And that's when I started to hallucinate. The newspaper El Mundo is censored (administrative measures have been taken against this page according to the law 5651). Have you got Peter J. Erdogan? When I tried to access my Facebook profile, I could not for security reasons. I did about ten questions to verify that I was the real owner of my profile. I have chills right now.
shortly because I'm going to bed from three o'clock lurching around the world and it's almost twelve o'clock local time. My eyes itch.
The afternoon was clear but cool. When the sun had started to get cold. Under the car thermometer, 11 ° C. Girls, do not turn sandals on luggage. And bring a head scarf if you think entering mosques.

Kitchenaid Paddle Uses

To measure your influence on Twitter

wore day wanting to comment on this short article I read weeks ago the NYT, and I encourage you now that we have a few days without talking about Twitter on our blog.
is a list of ideas to measure, in a practical way and in full "do it yourself", the influence and impact of your presence with twitter, but with the help of twitalyzer , a company specializing in analytical twitter .
Leonhardt, author of the article provides a few tips that may be useful in these times of measurement and focus on profitability and also can help assess the interest of the social media for each.
clearer teaching is the same: the number of followers is not important; account, above all, the conversation you generate, measured through comments, retweets, responses and other similar variables.
An interesting read to gauge the significance and magnitude of the twitter phenomenon. MORE

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5 things that every brand can learn from festivals such as the SOS 4.8

to Last week, Murcia held the fourth edition of SOS 4.8, a 48-hour festival of music, which came to hold 80,000 people in the city of michirones: "The key to success lies in being the first of the festival season and have a price crisis that makes it very affordable ", the company said Legal Music, organizer of the festival. In the midst of a major metamorphosis, the business of music and events as SOS 4.8 give us at least five lessons, which any company or service can make their own: 1) lifts brands like emotion, 2) To receive, first give. 3) To provide clearances for consumer experimentation. 4) The importance of co-creation and 5) Brands as DJ's.
MORE: can-aprender.html

Below Knee Black Dress

The 10 Laws of productivity

En C4E Trends seguimos de cerca las ideas de the99percent , un magnífico blog que trata temas similares a los nuestros. En esta ocasión ofrecen 10 modos de llevar ideas a la práctica , que adaptamos en este post . En su opinión existen 10 "leyes de la productividad" que los creativos que "ejecutan" sus ideas cumplen de modo sistemático:

1. Están orientados a la acción . Es fácil perderse en la planificación (o en los sueños). En el momento en que empiezas a actuar, recibes "feedback" valioso que ayuda a mejorar las iniciativas.
2. Empiezan en pequeño . Tendemos to think big but it is interesting concepts reduce to smaller ideas that can be implemented immediately.
3. Do not get discouraged with failures: listen and learn from them . Trial and error are fundamental. The process of polishing the ideas to come up with an improved version becomes mediocre initiatives truly groundbreaking product.
4. They have simple goals and frequently reviewed . We start many things, but when we passed the excitement we forget and nothing happens ... It is interesting to remember.
5. Work a little on your project every day . It is necessary to maintain daily living products that require a serious investment of creativity. It's like running: the more you run, the easier it run longer.
6. develop habits. "Routines" seem boring and unproductive, but actually based the best insights.
7. Divide the long-term projects in shorter stages requiring weeks or a month. That makes the product easier to manage and provides "sprints" on the road.
8. Deleted meetings. As blog readers know, few activities are unproductive meetings. If you have to meet (and that's enough), check that all are clear from the beginning what to get.
9. not know that. The creative energy is not infinite. The best creative forces measured carefully to maintain the quality of their work.
10. And remember that the rules (including productivity) can break . It is good practice to change from time to time because they do not work. The changes bring new perspectives and help to recharge the batteries.

are 10 laws that have helped us to think. And we thought we should share with readers because we all like to implement our ideas better ... MORE
