Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Cheese To My Macaroni Type Of Phrases

Destination: Mars

Today, within the Forum AeroTelecom I was asked to a presentation to discuss telemedicine ...

The truth is that the type of event (and because I received a specific request to that effect), I decided to look at the topic from an aviation perspective.

But the issue was what sector: civil aviation, military, sports, parachute ...

end I decided to look at the stars in the presentation of PodCamp project and spoke of species ...

So the choice was clear: telemedicine, in the vicinity of a manned mission a. .. Mars.

I asked my good friend helps María García-Puente, the legendary @ bibliovirtual , which was responsible for searching the available evidence in this area, and that without their help would have been impossible to implement the paper .. . Thank you, Mary!

Although it has been recorded on video, do not know when it will be available, so here is the storytelling:

live on a planet called Earth, which besides being our home, is the spaceship World's Greatest ... revolves around the sun for about 365 days and accompanies our star the journey of giving back to the Milky Way galaxy, a journey of 200 million years.

on this planet takes place throughout our life cycle, and can say that we explored as possible of the world ...

And there was a time when the man raised his eyes to heaven ... and decided to go to the moon ... a project born in the Cold War era, due to the struggle for supremacy between the U.S. and the USSR, and winning the U.S. ... at that time, 41 years ago, survive a variety of devices that have undoubtedly changed the world: from Velcro humble to the microprocessor.

At that moment is when large-scale experiments with pulse sensors, temperature, biological speaking channels ... the man was helpless in one of the most hostile and there was a need to protect it, it was also necessary to measure the effects of spaceflight on the human body.

just the Apollo program, and created the need for a reusable transportation system can be used to build a permanent human settlement in space ... thus was born the Space Shuttle.

And after the experience of Skylab, Salyut and Mir, establishing the International Space Station ... and there is a permanent human settlement in orbit ... The target this time is not the moon, we know that is a wasteland ...

The destination is called Mars ...

Mars, one of the inner planets, at a distance that varies between 56 and 400 million miles from Earth ... smaller than our planet with lower gravity of Earth.

mission parameters are
  • Duration of 879 days, 619 in Martian soil
  • Crew 8 astronauts
  • Propulsion chemical / ion / nuclear
The health risks of the mission find them in the slide number 9, which will highlight the psychosocial risks, low gravity, high-energy radiation and the inaccessibility of health centers.

Psychosocial risks are obvious, and even adjusting for personality profiles, the forced coexistence of so many people in a confined space tempranopuede or later trigger a conflict.

As for inaccessibility, in slide 13 we remember the story of Dr. Jerri Nielsen, an Antarctic explorer, detected breast cancer after a biopsy in the hardest winter Antarctic, and the impossibility of being able to evacuate, the Air Force parachuted equipment and tools necessary to enable self-administer chemotherapy ... was evacuated for several weeks.

In our case, the spacecraft is between 56 and 400 million km, with an average transmission time round about 20 minutes ...

On the other hand, low gravity causes a loss of muscle mass that may reach 40%, so it is vital to maintain a fitness routine.

We also talk about the inevitable body sensors, but we need something more advanced and allows us to prevent risks ... slide 15.

talked about two projects:
  • Help4Mood , which allows the detection of mood, a project originally dedicated to patients with major depression, in development and could be implemented smoothly in an environment as described
  • MedCat , an expert system dedicated to the management of chronic diseases, but also by characteristics could be used on an interplanetary mission.
Here you have the presentation, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have made provision ... :-)
Speech Aerotel
View more presentations from rafaelpardoespino


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