need a break. Many times we say this phrase. How many actually pay attention to what you're saying. Rest is a simple way to recharge their batteries. All and all we need to restore vitality from time to time to recharge, relax.
the descent is associated with basic daily sleep. But sleep is not always a break. It is if the body is relaxed, REST, and recovered. If the mind free thoughts that concern us, relieving our tensions to spark ideas with macerated. That sleep is a good rest depend on the conditions of our dream.
breaks are also small. Not just a little nap, but rest your eyes a few seconds, closing his eyes or looking away, relax the body with a few deep breaths, if we make a significant physical activity, rest your mind paying attention to something else, if we are studying.
Pero hay otros descansos más sutiles. Como cuando necesitamos descansar de alguien o de una situación. Son descansos a veces difíciles de asumir o que puede resultar molesto reconocer. Pero son tan regeneradores como un buen sueño. Descansar de un/a amigo/a. Descansar de los hijos, alejándonos de ellos un momento (un día, una hora, quince minutos, lo que se pueda). Descansar de los padres. Descansar de la pareja (Encuentro muy saludable unos pocos días de vacaciones independientes, aunque más no sea un fin de semana). Descansar para volver renovados, con más energía para compartir.
If we get used to paying attention to our body, our mind, our state of mind to recognize when we need a break and we decided to respect, is likely to begin to interact more safely with people and situations of our everyday life.
Do you rest when you need him?
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