Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Funnel Cake Mix Expire?

time Part

Un comportamiento sobre el que es provechoso poner atenciĆ³n es darle a algo parcial el caracter de totalidad. O como se dice habitualmente Take part for the whole . It is also something we usually do only negative things.

can say for example "It was a horrible day." It is likely that most of the things that have happened were unpleasant, but not ALL. It is not naive optimism nor cheap, but allowed the observation to recognize that 90% (or 95% if it was really horrible) of the day was bad and a small part was good.

A common use is to generalize the skills or the lack thereof. Phrases like "Everything I do goes wrong" correspond to a vision of reality what makes us go wrong in all things we do. And not everything that we do goes wrong. The same goes for expressions such as "always wrong" when we are wrong now but at other times not. Or when there is a possibility that in future no mistake. A more realistic approach would be something like "So far I've been wrong most of the time, but maybe later hits." Therefore there is ALWAYS.

There are very few things that really are NEVER or ALWAYS.

Think you play a part as if the whole? Do you recognize this behavior?
. To

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wear Do I Get A Thin Elastic Headband Like

not all necessary power behind the decisions

able to do things you need energy. When we make a change of habits or committed to moving forward towards what we want, we need strength, ability, energy. If we consider a change in our lives is important to have the strength to carry it out.

Where do we get this energy?. Of food with adequate nutrition, sleep well and do what we like.

Each person knows what gives you energy and what takes it away. How do you feel after doing something? With more or less energy? Your feelings are Answer: After running or swimming, for example, we may be tired because the activity is usually a type of energy consumed (which will recover with a good meal and a good sleep) but while we may feel good because we provided another: excitement, stress relief, etc.

can be physically active, artistic, creative. Maybe it's a shared meal, a few minutes of play or conversation with someone, walk, watch the sunset. It may be simpler: take the coffee cup we like, listen to our radio program usual watering. For someone will meditate or do yoga every morning, for others the pleasure of a warm shower or toast with honey. Whatever it is, what things that give us energy, we are doing to get the fuel it requires a change work

plan what we do, what we want to change or where it is heading. But not always we ask where will we find the energy to do so.

What things give you energy? How often do you realize what gives you energy?

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Do I Convert Mp3s To Brstm On A Mac?

be in one place means they are not in another. Perform an activity in a given time means no other activity at that time. But in some cases act as if it were otherwise.

want something new without getting rid of the old. We want something without the consequences that implies. This is especially so with the desire for change that we find difficult. Cost us because we want change but do not want to lose the benefit it gives us no change.

If I get up earlier than usual, or incorporate the habit of getting up early, go to bed earlier or sleep involve fewer hours . I can not get up before and did not modify the time that I go to bed or how many hours I sleep. A decision brings with others. This example is very simple, but that's obvious.
If I decide to have more room in my house, I need fewer things or a bigger house
If I change my weight, my diet will involve modifying and / or my physical activity.

If we fervently something, act on it will mean accepting what it may bring.

Suppose I want to spend more hours a week to study (or gardening or whatever) but I'm not willing to change at any time spent on other things. Seems silly because it is very simple. Surely in many tomarmos decisions that we agree on everything that implies. But there are areas in which costs us a lot more and try to make it possible to be on one site and one at a time.

Every choice entails a loss. Perhaps the trick is not to see this loss as a negative (remember we are talking about a voluntary change) but as we're willing to drop to reach the new.

you accept the consequences of your desire for change? How do you live your decisions?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Stomach Ache Black Stool

How do you show?

If someone asked you how you made would you?
An exercise that sometimes raise is write an introduction of yourself.

if you do, write your presentation now and read on when you're done.

After reading propose considering the following observations:
  • What we have included personal data (name, surname, age, etc)
  • If we mention the occupation or profession
  • If we give information about things we like or do not like talking
  • If kinship ties (examples: the daughter of so and so, married with two children, four brothers)
  • Which verbs we use (if we used any)
  • think that part of the writing are about how sorry we are and what parts have to do with how we want others to believe we are.
  • Have we made any reference to emotions?
  • Is a presentation of us now, or includes information from various stages of our life?
course a presentation to a real situation will always adapt to the expectations of the circumstances. This is just an interesting exercise in self-knowledge and observation that we use in some workshops blue moon. Its purpose is to allow us to notice what seemed relevant to mention and what not. Usually when we refer to introduce aspects that we want others to assign or assume that the questioner wants to know, and we ignore what we feel we really are.

What do you think, or do we present ourselves representation tailored to what the other expected?