Sunday, June 6, 2010

Neutralis Milia Remove

The story of the children, the elderly and the donkey

My father often told me a story he told. You the story. Maybe you already know because someone told you it has been told.
An old man and a boy walking a donkey herding. On their way they came across a man who saw them said: - What fools! Why are walking, taking a donkey? Would have ride on it. The anchor man mused as he walked away and following the advice on the donkey up the child and then rode him too.
continued walking until he ran into someone who began to shout just to see them: - inconsiderate! What harm did the donkey to be abused in this way! Can only lead to one of two ... otherwise it will be a lot of weight and the animal will be exhausted. In face of guilt and asking the old man fell disulpas donkey.
They moved the child riding on the donkey and the old man walking beside her, happy to be doing the right thing when another man, young and quiet came across them. He spoke quietly: "Old man, you've walked a lot throughout life and are no longer so strong, why not ride on the donkey? The child shows little respect for you acting this way. So I exchanged the saddle. They continued the old man on the donkey and the boy walking by his side.
Night fell when a fourth person appeared in the gloom. - This donkey looks weak, "he said - should not ride. And he walked away while the old man doubtfully, dismounted.

Whatever you do will always encotramos with people who will not agree with what you do.

Trying always satisfy everyone? Do you act on the basis the opinion of others? What do you think of the story?


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